Kids: D & M
What a perfect weekend of weather and photo sessions. It makes a photog happy! I was able to take some pictures for friends D & M. Aren't they just the cutest! Its crazy how fast these two have grown up over the winter. :) Big brother D is such a sweet heart to his little sister and she just tries her hardest to keep up with his climbing, runnning and playing. Thanks to you guys for joining me at the park, it was a fun!
Here is a little sneak peak.

Wedding: Tim & Melissa
Derek and I traveled down to the big city for the wedding of friends Tim & Melissa. It started out as a rainy day (which is good luck!), but by the time the ceremony was done the weather was perfect. The ceremony was in the most beautiful Catholic church, I was in awe the entire ceremony. Then the whole party boarded the bus and we headed down to the shore for some pictures. They were such a fun group, and we were honored to be part of your special day!
Be sure to check back for Part II.

Baby: Baby E Part II
A few more of sweet baby E.

Memorial Day Weekend
Wishing everyone a relaxing, enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!

Baby: Little Tiny Sneak Peak of E
I just had to put one quick picture up of Baby E, he was just the best little baby for us. Don't worry I"ll put more up after the long weekend. Congrats to baby E's mom and dad, what a bundle of joy!

A tough day at the office for baby E. ;)

Wedding: Zach + Cecelia Part II
Here are a few (well, more than just a few) images from Zach & Cecelias River Front Wedding.
Here is their "first look", they decided to see each other before the wedding, which from a photogs perspective is lovely. We have this first look moment where its just the two of them and then me & my 2nd shooter (heather) being the paperazi from far away. Its a very sweet moment!

Are they cute or what?!?


Pretty girls...

and the handsome boys.

After the ceremony on the main level of the boat, the whole crew went upstairs for a wonderful dinner. Then with the help of theses two amazing muscians (
The Michael Handler must check them out!) the party really got started.

They also had such fun idea to have cameras at each table with a scavenger hunt list. What a great way to get the guests involved in some fun photos.

Kids: M & M
I was so happy to be able to see the M&M duo! We miss you guys! Brenden & Mac's future prom dates :)

Wedding: Zach + Cecelia
Here is just a quick sneak peak from Zach & Cecelia's amazing wedding. I have so many more images to put up, so check back later this week. Thanks again Zach & Cecelia for including me in your beautiful day, I had such a great time sailing the river with you both, your family, and fun group of friends. :)

I was going through my images from my vacation to ND and found a few of my twin sister. Just in case some of you who live here in WI may not know I have a look a like that lives in ND, well I guess since I am the younger one I would technically be called the look a like, huh?

Wedding: Shoes
Shoes...could there be a better topic of conversation?!? What I really love with now-a-days modern bride is that you can have what ever style or color shoe that you love, not just a plain white heel. My last bride had a delicate pair of balet slippers with perfect details. I loved 'em!
So I challenge you brides to go beyond the white heel and challenge yourself to find the perfect wedding shoe. :)

We took a walk through the forest, we encountered some fallen trees and lots of mud...A boys dream!

This week the boys have noticed the yellow dandelions are back. To some they are just weeds, but to Brenden and Macs they are an afternoon of running around picking beautiful flowers. As a mom its so much fun to watch them. I captured a few moments from the day.

6 Month Old: T
Wow did little T grow up fast! The last time I saw him he was a little new born, and now he is a smiley, sitting, standing, drooling ;) 6 month old. It seems like just yesterday T's mom and I were 15 and jumping on the trampoline, now we are mommies! It was so good to see you guys, I look forward to seeing you and spending more time together at the lake this summer.